The City of Iqaluit uses committees to bring issues forward to the council. Committees forward issues by making recommendations to the council. Council then deliberates on the issue and may take action or make a direction. All council members serve on various committees.
Committees meet on a monthly basis or as required.
The City also has two quasi-judicial Boards (listed below) that are operating at arm`s length from the City, and are not governed by Council procedures. They are governed by the Planning Act and the Property Assessment and Taxation Act.
Committee Composition
According to By-law #526:
Section 77: The mayor is an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees, (which means she/he has the right to attend any Committee meeting).
Section 80: In any committee, at least half of its members shall be a quorum.
Section 81: Every member of a standing or special committee has one vote for each item presented at a meeting of that committee providing the member is in attendance.
Section 82: Meetings of any committee may be called whenever it is deemed necessary by the chairman or any two (2) members of that committee and committee members shall be so notified.
The entire council participates in these committees.
Engineering and Public Works Committee
The committee is made up of all members of the city council. It is responsible for the delivery and maintenance of municipal services, as well as all capital works projects related to the development of municipal infrastructure.
Resource Staff: Director of Public Works & Engineering, Operations Superintendent, Utilidor Superintendent, Chief Administrative Officer
- Chair: Councillor Stevenson
- Vice-Chair: Councillor Kyle Sheppard
Planning and Development Committee
The Committee is made up of all members of the city council. It reviews matters relating to land use planning, development and lands. It considers request for decision prepared by the Planning and Lands staff and makes recommendations to council regarding decisions.
The committee is responsible for the management of land use planning, land development and administration of land within the municipality.
Resource Staff: Director of Planning and Development
- Chair: Councillor Kimberly Smith
- Vice-Chair: Councillor Samuel Tilley
Finance Committee
The committee is made up of all members of city council. It is responsible for the management of expenditure and revenue of city funds according to general accounting principles while assuring adherence to the approved annual budget.
- Chair: Councillor Kyle Sheppard
- Vice-Chair: Councillor Romeyn Stevenson
Strategic Planning and Economic Development Committee of the Whole
The committee is made of up all members of the city council. It is responsible for providing oversight on the implementation of the City's strategic plan and for prioritizing economic development actions
- Chair: Councillor Paul Quassa
- Vice-Chair: Councillor Kimberly Smith
Recreation Committee
The committee is an advisory committee for recreational and leisure services in Iqaluit.
Resource Staff: Stephanie Clark, Director of Recreation, Conor Goddard, Recreation Services Manager
Chairperson: Councillor Kimberly Smith
Vice-chair: Councillor Samuel Tilley
Members at Large:
- Joel Fortier
- Louis Kamdem
- Nick Murray
- Joanne Smith
- Jakub Garbarczyk
Cemetery Committee
The committee plays an advisory role in cemetery operations.
Resources Staff: Chief Administrative Officer, City Clerk, Chief Municipal Enforcement Officer, Superintendent Operations, Superintendant Utilidor
Chairperson: Councillor Simon Nattaq
Vice-chair: Councillor Ookalik Curley
Members at Large:
Matthew Akavak – QIA
Ross Paterson – CGS
Methuselah Kunuk – Anglican Church (additional member requested by him from his parish, not identified as of yet)
Martha Nowdlak – NTI
Fr. Daniel Perreault
Family Services- TBC
Search and Rescue
Mayor's Representative: Councillor Simon Nattaq
Public Safety Committee
Resource Staff: Rod Mugford, Chief Municipal Enforcement Officer
Council Representatives:
Chairperson: Mayor Solomon Awa
Taxi Review Committee
The committee reviews, on an annual basis, the tariffs and fees of Taxi By-law No. 590 as well as the by-law itself. The committee responds to appeals from applicants and individuals within the taxi industry and also reviews responds and addresses public concerns and complaints respecting the taxi industry.
Resource Staff: Rod Mugford, Chief Municipal Enforcement Officer
Council Representatives:
Chairperson: Councillor Sheppard
Vice-Chair: Councillor Samuel Tilley
Members at large:
- Allan Webb
- John Maurice
- Liam Burrows
- Cameron DeLong
- Jakub Garbarczyk
Grievance Committee
According to the Collective Agreement, the council hears third-level appeals regarding grievances.
Resource Staff: Chief Administrative Officer and Human Resource Director or alternate and Senior Director of Corporate Services
Chairperson - Councillor Ookalik Curley
Vice-Chairperson - Councillor Kyle Sheppard
Board of Revision
Section 30 of the Property Assessment and Taxation Act allows for the establishment of this Board to review decisions regarding the assessment of properties for taxes.
Resource Staff: Amanda Wells; Lands Administrator, Chair: Romeyn Stevenson; Secretary to the Board of Revision, Tammy Ernst-Doiron
Members at large: Rowena Masoka, John Maurice,
Development Appeal Board
The board hears appeals regarding decisions of the development officer or council regarding zoning and development decisions.
Resource Staff: Secretary of Board, Tammy Ernst-Doiron
Chairperson: Councillor Stevenson
Members at Large: Stephen Williamson Bathory, William ( Bill ) Williams, Stephen Johnson, Jakub Garbarczyk, David Browne, Bennoit Latulippe